Team Summits

Does your team have new members or a new leader?
Is it time for your team to shift from reporting-out to offering strategic leadership? Is your team experiencing
stagnation in functionality or productivity?

A team summit (virtual or in-person retreat) will build team solidarity, establish mutual expectations, and launch your team into the future. It is an opportunity for the entire team to learn how to support each other, reset and formalize how the team functions, and determine what to focus on for the next 6-12 months.

Stable teams become strategic teams.

Curiosity + Strategy

It’s no secret that true open communication between staff and leadership can be hard to facilitate. Organizations often try by offering employee surveys, anonymous suggestion boxes, and “open-door” policies.

The Curiosity and Strategy training will teach leaders and staff about how to ask useful questions and then allow them to submit questions to the facilitator to curate for a safe and productive “Q &A” with the leader.

This training can focus on organizational culture, productivity, strategy, transparency, wellbeing, or changes happening in the organization.

Cultivating Loyalty

Leadership teams are responsible for the culture of an organization, but they often have blindspots. Inherent power imbalances can make it hard for those affected to bring up their concerns. This virtual training can help you find the blindspots in your organization, so you can help the humans who make your organization successful thrive.

Topics covered include: motivation and collaboration killers, women on leadership teams, gendered experiences, “gossip”, life/work balance, wellbeing and burn out, and messaging from the top.

This training does not cover egregious situations that should be handled by a HR department.

Let’s discuss your organization’s unique needs.